Help Wanted
The GMHS Athletic Booster Club needs YOU!
NEXT BOARD MEETING: Join us 9/30/24 at 6pm - Granby Town Library
Parents and students alike are invited to attend any meeting of the Booster Club to see what we’re all about. You can find the meeting schedule HERE.
Can’t make a meeting? No problem! Read on to see how you can still make a difference for your GMHS community! To express an interest in volunteering or if you have any questions, please feel free to Contact Us.
Parent Volunteers
Volunteers are always needed to donate food/drinks for concessions, work the concession stands, help with our sponsorship program, communication, and to fill our Booster Club officer roles as parents of Seniors “retire.” Our goal is to provide a variety of ways for parents to help the athletic community in ways that fit any schedule! If you are not sure where or how your time and talent can be best put to use for Boosters, please Contact Us.
Student Volunteers
We welcome student members who want experience in the following areas: public relations, advertising, social media, website maintenance, information management, fundraising and project management. Have another skill you think will be beneficial to Boosters? We would love your help! You do NOT have to participate in a sport to be part of the Booster Club. You can also volunteer to help sell concessions at the Snack Shack (provided there is an adult over the age of 21 supervising your shift)! Time spent on any Booster-related activity can also count towards the volunteer hours needed for graduation.
Snack Shack Shifts
Sign up for shifts at the Snack Shack for the 2024/2025 season.
Snack Shack Donations
Sign up to donate items to the Snack Shack for the 2024/2025 season.
The Athletic Teams We Support
Basketball (Boys & Girls)
Cross Country (Boys & Girls)
Field Hockey
Lacrosse (Boys & Girls)
Soccer (Boys & Girls)
Track & Field (Boys & Girls)
Booster Sponsors
If you are interested in sponsoring the Booster Club for the 2024-2025 season please visit our SPONSORSHIPS page.
Want to help the Booster Club?
Parents and students can volunteer to help the GMHS Athletic Booster Club in multiple ways. To express an interest in volunteering or if you have any questions, please feel free to Contact Us.